Three facilities from Kinnotake Resorts have been selected for Japan's Top 100 Ryokan and Hotel ranking.

Kinnotake Co., Ltd., which operates five ryokans and two dining establishments in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, announced that three of its facilities, Kan-no-Take Sengokuhara, Kinnotake Tounosawa, and Matsuzakaya Honten, underwent renovations to enhance their value-added services in February 2023. These three facilities were selected as premier ryokans representing Japan in the Japan Brand Collection 2023 Kanagawa Edition, organized by CyberMedia Sales Division in Tokyo.
In the future, the accommodations managed by Kinnotake Resorts will serve as a platform for domestic and international travelers, contributing to the revitalization of the local economy, including tourism destinations, restaurants, souvenir shops, and more in the Hakone area.
|About Japan Brand Collection 2024 Ryokan and Hotel TOP 100
Japan Brand Collection, since its inception in 2005, has established strict selection criteria by industry experts and has been introducing top-notch establishments in various industries in Japan with the theme of regional revitalization through its magazine and portal site.
In the current "Japan Brand Collection 2024 Ryokan and Hotel TOP 100," a total of 1,417 ryokans and hotels from all over Japan were candidates. This time, three facilities operated by Kinnotake Resorts, namely "Kinnotake Sengokuhara," "Kinnotake Tonosawa," and "Matsuzakaya Honten," have been selected for the Japan Brand Collection 2024 Ryokan and Hotel TOP 100.
※Japan Brand Collection 2024 Ryokan and Hotel TOP 100"
HP in Japanese: https://jbc-web.info/pr-kinnotakeresort/
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